Every step unlocked something that I didn't know was stuck inside me. I wouldn't be where I am today without your program.
What will it take to up your game & make you a great, gig-ready singer?
Top-notch vocals, fearless performance skills, and a clear artist style.
In other words, it takes the Singing-Artist Incubator!
What's covered in the incubator? The four skill categories below.
Vocal Coaching
It all begins with great singing.
You don't have to sound like anyone else. You only have to be your best self.
That's why incubator participants are given access to The Singer-Athlete Workout Program, my online singing course with weekly vocal workouts, to build and strengthen your singing skills.
Because singing is a physical skill, and ANY physical skill can be improved with the right workout.
Performance coaching
Performance is its own skill to be mastered.
That's why the Singing-Artist Incubator dedicates a huge portion of time to honing your performance skills.
You'll learn simple tools for keeping your mind in the game and confidently connecting with your audience.
And you'll practice them in real time with likeminded fellow incubator participants.
Confidence coaching
Genuine confidence goes deeper than singing skills.
No amount of vocal exercises will help you command an audience if, on a deep level, you don't believe you're worthy of their attention.
During the incubator, you'll learn to manage inner obstacles like imposter syndrome, performance anxiety, and more so that you can put your best self out there.
You'll learn to look at future performances with excitement, not fear.
Artist Brand
How should you be described as an artist.
What's your style? Who is your ideal audience? What's unique about you? What's your vibe and your swagger?
During the Singing-Artist Incubator, we'll answer these questions and more so when you're ready to put yourself out there, you can present a clear and sustainable artist brand, and your ideal audience will find and connect with you.
Still wondering if the incubator is for you?
There are two ways to find out.
Directly ask me any questions you have during a 30-minute discovery call.
Use this button to schedule this free chat right now. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing about your singing goals1
Answer 6 easy questions. This quick quiz will help you know if the incubator is the right next step for you - or it will suggest another option.
The quiz will also give you access to the Ultimate Quick Hit Singing Lesson to learn a game-changing foundational singing skill.
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Client Feedback
Judy's experience in confidence coaching is such a tremendous differentiator for her and has helped me so much in my journey.
Cara Bass -
Trust her program, encouragement, and clear set of goals. Everything has a reason and you will have excellent results!