Show Your Potential:

Performance Coaching

For solo, duo, and trio acts! Learning songs isn't enough to stand out among artists!

Command & love the stage.

Connect with your audience.

Master harmonies & impactful artistry.

Malgosia Nowak

Perfect coach, wonderful personality, patience, encouragement, professionalism. 

Cara Bass

Judy's experience in confidence coaching is such a tremendous differentiator for her and has helped me so much in my journey.

About My Approach

I've had many great vocal coaches over the course of my life. 

They all seemed to assume that learning vocal technique was enough to be a great performer. But performance is it's own skill to be developed. And no amount of vocal exercises will improve your performance skills.

Solo, duo, and trio acts tend to put the bulk of their time and energy into learning songs. Learning songs is, obviously, important, but it's only one small piece of being a great performer and creating a memorable, successful act.

If you and your small act are ready to stand out among performers - to improve your delivery, your rapport with the audience, and add artistic nuances like great harmonies - performance coaching is for you.

Performance coaching can take place in-person or online. Sessions are 60-minutes long.
