
Singer-Athlete +Plus Membership

Original price was: $929.00.Current price is: $186.00.

12-month membership for vocal development, which includes:

  1. The Singer-Athlete Workout Program ten week singing course (normally $295).
  2. The complete Singer-Athlete workout library – to build your own workouts (normally $120) .
  3. The Guided Workout Bundle – pre-built workouts (normally $102).
  4. Up to 4 video submissions for performance or practice feedback (normally $55 each).
  5. Monthly online Zoom masterclasses.
  6. Yearlong email contact from me to keep you motivated and progressing.

Plus the following addition content:

  1. Building Creative Confidence Workshop (normally $69)
  2. Singer’s Guides to Success (normally $34)
  3. Music Theory for Singers (normally $89)

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